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SE Blueprint, Inc. 2035 Hamilton Ave Cleveland
+216 241 2250
520 S. Main St. Suite #2411 Akron
+ 330 376 1689
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Closeout Support Services

In theory the Closeout phase should be relatively simple compared to all other phases of a project… but its not. The problem is that the Operations Phase of a facility is the most costly, but yet access to critical information necessary to manage these facilities becomes compromised as a result of poor execution during the Closeout phase.

The focus during the Substantial Completion Phase is generally on critical punch list items and not always on the completeness and organization of the information being handed over. This is where your 21st Century Blueprinter steps in; SE Blueprint/PlanCycle helps define the required information at the inception of the project and supports a workflow necessary to database this valuable information while team members are still active on the project. Executed properly the majority of the information required for managing the new facility has been indexed to a database leading up to the Substantial Completion Phase requiring only a push of a button to export this data to the Facility Manager.

For more information on Closeout Support Services please call us at 216.241.2250.