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SE Blueprint, Inc. 2035 Hamilton Ave Cleveland
+216 241 2250
520 S. Main St. Suite #2411 Akron
+ 330 376 1689
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Long Term Digital Archiving

Digital Archives are becoming the preferred method for maintaining record copies of facilities. However, careful planning is required to assure that the information lasts as long as the buildings do.

Three areas for consideration are the lifespan of the medium in which the files are being stored (external as well as network drives), the platform they will be running on, as well as the potential obsolescence of the file formats (particularly proprietary formats). For these reasons, it is important that a Long Term Digital Archive (LTDA) plan is initiated to aid against the loss of this critical data over time. offers several plans to assist with managing Long Term Digital Archives. These plans evolve around a four‐year cycle, in which redundant storage solutions are replaced and all data is refreshed to the most current technological standards. These plans focus on strategically engineered practices that force all stakeholders to revisit the quality of their archives every four years.

To help establish a LTDA plan that best fits your needs call us at 216.241.2250.